



第九章小组/小组成员每年[联合或根据其各自的职责]接受培训 各自的角色). 培训内容包括但不限于:


●        How to conduct investigations and hearings that protect the safety of Complainants 和受访者,并促进问责制












●        How to render findings and generate clear, concise, evidence-based rationales


●        How to apply definitions used by the University with respect to consent (or the absence or negation of consent) consistently, impartially, and in accordance with 政策

●        How to conduct an investigation and grievance 过程 including hearings, 上诉和非正式解决程序

●        How to serve impartially by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts 兴趣和偏见



●        Issues of relevance to create an investigation report that fairly summarizes 相关的证据

●        How to determine appropriate sanctions in reference to all forms of harassment 和/或报复指控


所有泳池成员必须每年参加这些培训. 使用的材料 培训池的所有成员都公开发布. 

The 第九条协调员 oversees implementation of the University's 第九条 Sexual 骚扰政策和申诉程序. 第九条协调员有初选 responsibility for coordinating the University’s efforts related to the intake, investigation, resolution, and implementation 支持性措施 to stop, remediate, and prevent 性骚扰和报复.

The 第九条协调员 reviews each report and: (1) respond to any immediate health or safety concerns raised by the report, including determining any initial support measures for all parties; (2) offer the institution’s immediate support and assistance; and (3) assess the nature and circumstances of the report to determine whether the 报告的行为增加了潜在的政策违反.

The Deputy Coordinator assist the 第九条协调员 in implementation of the University's 第九条性骚扰政策和申诉程序. 他们协助实施 支持性措施. 副协调员也可以担任听证会协调人 在正式申诉过程中.

The hearing facilitator during a formal hearing attends to: logistics of rooms for various parties/witnesses as they wait; flow of parties/witnesses in and out of the hearing space; ensuring recording and/or virtual conferencing technology is working 按预期.   

Campus Mediators are available to serve as facilitators in those situations where 一个非正式的选项被选为解决投诉的方法.

These persons are trained for generalized mediation scenarios and specifically trained for mediations involving allegations of sexual harassment, stalking, domestic violence, 约会暴力或性侵犯.

The Sexual Harassment Investigative Panel (SHIP) consists of employees of the University who represent the various segments of the University, including staff, faculty and 九游会国际.

船调查人员 are designated by the 第九条协调员 to conduct reliable, prompt, fair, and impartial investigations of sex- and gender-based discrimination and misconduct reports, including identifying and interviewing parties and witnesses; identifying, organizing, and compiling relevant information; maintaining accurate and thorough investigation records and notes; and writing clear, concise, and comprehensive 调查报告.

The 第九条协调员 ensures that the assigned 船调查人员 for any specific case have the appropriate knowledge and training (consistent with the requirements 《九游国际棋牌》第34条第106条.(b)(1)(iii)),并且不存在利益冲突或偏见 against 与所报告的事件有关的任何一方 prior to case assignment or 一旦出现明显的冲突.


九游会国际 will designate a single Hearing Officer/Decision-Maker 每次正式的申诉听证会. 聆讯主任/决策者不会有 以前参与过调查吗.

The Hearing Officer/Decision-Maker are individuals who have the authority to determine 是否按照规定违反了机构政策 standard of proof and to determine appropriate remedies and corrective action/sanctions. The Hearing Officer/Decision-Maker will facilitate a live hearing 过程, including permitting the parties to ask the other part(ies) and 任何证人 all relevant questions 以及后续问题,包括那些挑战可信度的问题.

Hearing Officers/Decision-Makers are appropriately trained (consistent with the requirements 《九游国际棋牌》第34条第106条.(b)(1)(iii)),且不得存在利益冲突或偏见 或与所报告的事件有关的任何一方.


An Advisor is an individual selected by any party to assist them throughout the institution’s 解决过程. 双方可各自选择一名顾问在场 them for all meetings, interviews, and hearings within the 解决过程, if 他们选择了. 双方可选择任何一方担任其顾问 只要顾问有资格和可用.

The Advisor may be a friend, mentor, family member, attorney, or any other individual a party chooses to advise, support, and/or consult with them throughout the resolution 过程. 双方可以从大学内部或外部选择顾问 社区.

The 第九条协调员 will also offer to assign a trained Advisor for any party 如果当事人愿意的话. 如果双方选择接受来自大学的顾问, the Advisor will be trained by the University and be familiar with the University’s 解决过程.

按照U.S. 教育部根据教育法第九章规定的一种形式 of indirect questioning is required during the hearing, but must be conducted by the 政党的顾问. 当事人不得直接相互询问或询问 任何证人. 如果当事人没有听证顾问,学校会安排 appoint a trained Advisor for the limited purpose of conducting any questioning of 对方及证人. 


一名上诉专员将审查上诉请求. 各方都有平等的机会 上诉. 上诉请求将转交上诉主任考虑 决定有关要求是否符合上诉理由.

No appeal panelists will have been involved in the 过程 previously, including any 驳回上诉可能已经在早些时候审理过了.

 上诉官员 will be appropriately trained (consistent with the requirements of 34 CFR§106.(b)(1)(iii))及不存在利益冲突或支持或反对的偏见 与所报告的事件有关的任何一方.

The Office of Compliance and Ethics oversees campus-wide compliance training of university 雇员(教员、职员、兼职人员和附属机构)和学生. 这包括培训 第九章. 

 有关其他信息,请参见 合规及道德训练. 如果您对培训有任何疑问,请发邮件至compliance@kurdbusiness.net.

The 第九条  Office provides training on critical issues of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and more - among students, 教职员工. 有关培训的更多信息,请致电第九条办公室 at 601.266.6804或电子邮件我们的标题IX协调员,Ms. 克里斯汀·雷诺兹,克里斯汀.reynolds@kurdbusiness.net.  




哈迪大厅332室(周一上午10点.m. -2 p.m. 或预约)





